Our ‘why?’

And why us...

The story of Possible
versus Practical.

In the crowded marketplace of creativity, Possible is the person everyone wants to meet.
Possible fairly sizzles with promise and opportunity, positively oozes ‘let’s go’ confidence.
Possible isn’t cowed by the faint-hearts and nay-sayers - the ones just itching to say “let’s leave things as they are”, status-quo is ok with us ~ and so Possible offers every question an answer, every problem a novel solution. Every objection, Possible sweeps aside in the name of progress and growth.

The only problem is, Possible is only ever halfway.
Possible only sells you part of the story and it’s easy to forget that, in its warm company, you’ll end up in the cold reality of a tale left unfinished. Of details left unfurished, of an ending you’ll need to write for yourself.
Practical, on the other hand, tends to stand back and take a longer look at all the things that need to get done. And in the crowd it’s all too easy to overlook Practical’s value, overshadowed while it’s busy making Possible look fantastic.
But without Practical all that shiny possibility soon pales.
Practical can and does get the job done, closes the gaps and makes the promise, real. Fixes the holes and other business-shaped problems.
And while Practical’s rather more grown-up, it’s never lost its sense of wonder, curiosity or creativity.
Or its honesty, come to that. Working with Practical can be demanding but it’s always more rewarding. Let’s not forget that Practical’s crafty with it, always handy with the right tools to set you on the best path.
So the next time you’re in the market for something designed with conviction: when you really need things pulling apart and putting back together properly: for someone to separate the blah and la-la from the real world, don’t ask Possible.

It’s time to demand a more unusually-shaped Practical point of view. Drop us a line and find out why.

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2023 ©

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The Granary, Church Lane, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Satnav postcode: OX13 6SW